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What’s in Your Water: What is Hard Water?

What is in your tap water? Do you know? Is ignorance really bliss? Jacob will tell you that out of the many things that may be in your water, hardness is the most common. What is that? Watch to find out.

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Why is My Pressure Tank Making Noise?

Is your well system's pressure tank making sounds that you are concerned about? Or is it making sounds and you don't know what to think? Listen to our Water Tech, William, tell you about the meaning behind this noisy little tank in this video.

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Testimony: Miss Smith of Orrstown, Pa

When you have an issue, you want it solved quickly and completely. So did Miss Smith from Orrstown, Pa. She made the switch from a company she used for over 20 years to Negley's so that she could feel better about her water. Listen to her story.

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Negley’s Clean Water Center

In the town of Greencastle, Pa there is a place dedicated to make you feel better about your water. We are proud of Negley's Clean Water Center and the hard work they do to help you get better water so that you can enjoy life and not worry about what is coming out of your tap.

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