Well Vs. City Water Problems

What Common Water Problems Might You Have?
Is your water black with sludge with an odor like a landfill? Probably not! Although the water coming into your house looks relatively clean, there are problems with it that are common to most homes. These problems will vary depending on the type of water you have, namely well water or city water. Let’s review them below.
Well Water
Well water comes from an underground body of water known as an aquifer. You would think that water from the ground would be dirty, but actually it is quite clean. Rainwater seeps into the ground and the small spaces of the rock layer filter it all the way down into the aquifer. Those filtering rock layers deposit bits and particles into the water, leading to many of the common water problems below:
Calcium and magnesium contribute to your water being “hard.” They deposit themselves onto faucets, pipes, and water heaters, making a white, crusty layer. They also make soap less effective at cleaning and water more difficult to heat up. Not good! Watch us demonstrate just how much more soap you need to use if you have hard water in our What is Hard Water? video.
Iron also builds up in plumbing. However, it has a more insidious effect on fixtures and clothing: staining. The orange-red stain, which we associate with rust, clings strongly to fixtures, like tubs and toilets, often times making them permanently changed.
Remember high school chemistry? Trying to forget high school chemistry? pH is what we measure to distinguish acids from bases. Low pH (0-7) means your water is acidic, like coffee or lemon juice, while high pH (7-14) means your water is basic, like ammonia. Water should be around pH 6.8. If it is too high or too low, it can cause blue-green staining on your fixtures and can corrode pipes.
If rainwater runoff gets into a well, it can introduce coliform bacteria to the well water; think of E. coli. Not all forms of coliform bacteria are as dangerous as E. coli, but you don’t want to take any chances when it comes to drinking water with bacteria in it. A simple bacteria test can show if your water has any bacteria.
Manganese, nitrates, and sulfur are other common problems. Manganese and sulfur come from the ground, but nitrates come from fertilizers and from agricultural run-off. Staining, unpleasant odors, and hazardous pregnancies are results of these water problems.
City Water
City water come from either underground wells, rivers, or reservoirs. The difference between this and well water is that a public water facility will take that water and purify it before sending it out to the homes in its network. So city water takes out many contaminants, but they don’t fix every issue. Sometimes they even create other problems. Check out these city water problems:
City water facilities usually do not soften your water. Your pipes, fixtures, clothes, and energy bills are equally susceptible to damage as someone with a well.
Chlorine is used to kill bacteria that may be in the water or in the pipe network leading to your house. It ensures that water arrives to you free of bacteria, but once it gets to your house, there is no more benefit to having chlorine in your water. In fact, chlorine in your water can cause dry skin and hair, and is not something you necessarily want to drink. In many European countries they actually ban the use of chlorine to disinfect water due to the fact that chlorine can combine with some compounds in the pipe network and form cancer-causing byproducts.
How do I solve these problems?
Both well water and city water have their problems. Thankfully both have solutions so that you can feel better about your water. We can help you get better water that you know is good for you, your family, and your bills. Here is how we do it:
- Water softening
- Iron removal units
- Whole house filters
- UV light systems
- Reverse Osmosis systems
- Special city water units
When we meet with you, we test your water and determine what problems your water has. Then we create a treatment system to fix those problems so that you can be worry-free. You may find that you drink water more than you ever have before. Don’t believe us? Then listen to Miss Smith’s story of how we made her feel better about her water.
Contact us by clicking on get a free quote or message us for more information and find out if you have any of these common water problems in your home.
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Both well water and city water have their problems. Thankfully both have solutions so that you can feel better about your water.